Dear Friend,
My apologies for letting too much time pass since the last blog, but
family commitments do come first.
The Holiday Season is upon us with the first feast done and the second
and third on the way. Every year I face similar questions: "How can I ensure
the number on the scale doesn't go up" or "how can I win the "Battle of the Bulge" before it defeats
me?" My answer remains the same, prepare and stay real.
The Holiday Season is most certainly a tough time to lose or even
maintain current weight, and your goal should not be deprivation as temptations
loom everywhere. Instead try to maintain
your weight and your workout schedule AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. It is unrealistic to expect to work-out as
much as one would during other times of the year. Holiday parties with friends and colleagues,
traveling and shopping consumes the time usually dedicated to your normal work-out
routine. However, exercise activities
can still be integrated in many different ways. Avoiding the ever so coveted close parking
spot at the mall, or using the stairs instead of the elevator, will burn a few
extra calories which can definitely accumulate to a measurable difference on
January 2. Family activities such as
walks after holiday dinners or the traditional football game in the backyard
are fun and are an excellent alternative to popping bonbons while sinking into
a sofa and watching TV.
Of course this is the season to be jolly and I love chocolates and all
the other goodies abundantly and ubiquitously available. Just establish a Holiday Game Plan and stick
to it! Make sure you provide the healthy
fall back option when invited to a pot luck party. Arriving at the buffet fill
your plate on the first round with healthy and low calorie food choices such as
veggies and fruits. The second round opt for some lean meat or fish dishes and
go easy on the deserts by the 3rd round. Any good host/hostess ensures that
your wine glass is full at all time, so make sure you leave a sip to discourage
any refills until you are ready for more. Add a glass of water after each alcoholic
beverage to further reduce the party calories.
Another hot topic at the end of each year is the Personal Training
question. Can I afford Personal Training?
Will I realize a true benefit? How
do I choose the right Trainer? A
Personal Trainer can be a great ally in the prevention and reversal of holiday expansion.
He or She will hold you accountable to
an agreed-upon work-out schedule. Pricing for trainers varies greatly depending
on the area in which you live, the qualifications and experience of your
trainer as well as travel time and expense. As a Personal Fitness Trainer, I strongly
believe in the benefit of enhanced quality of life, that fitness training
provides whether through a PFT or on one’s own efforts. I have personally experienced the difference
a good trainer can make in my own athletic endeavors. I’ve also had the pleasure of influencing
positive impacts of many of my clients’ health and wellness.
For guidance on how to select a Personal Fitness Trainer, visit a blog I
wrote in January of 2011 titled Happy New
Year: How to choose a Fitness Trainer.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season and a healthy, wealthy and joyful 2013!